Woman on the Edge of Time Questions

Bring on the tough stuff - there’s not just one right answer.

  1. How would the book be different if it were about a man on the edge of time rather than a woman? Or would that undermine the book's whole point?
  2. The book is told in third person (limited) from Connie's point of view—that is, you're always in her head. What if it were told so you saw into other people's heads? How would that change the novel?
  3. Is Connie mentally ill? What evidence is there for your answer? What evidence is there against it?
  4. The book isn't told in strict chronological order. Why do you think that is? How does the book's structure fit with the book's themes?
  5. The language of the future is different from the language of the present. How so? Does that make the future seem more realistic or less?