Guide Mentor

Guide Mentor

Character Role Analysis

Rev. Adolphus Irwine

Mr. Irwine pretty much guides or mentors everybody in Adam Bede. So it would be pretty wacked-out if the one person he didn't mentor was the title character. Well, not today! Adam describes Mr. Irwine—and to Mr. Irwine's face, no less—as "the gentleman I look up to most of anybody" (39.6).

As well he should. Mr. Irwine has commonsensical principles that are very much like Adam's. But he also checks Adam's excesses—particularly Adam's bad temper. A good guide or mentor is never all sweetness. Though you've got to admit, a spoonful of sugar does help the constructive criticism go down.

Bartle Massey

Like Mr. Irwine, Bartle Massey guides and mentors a whole bunch of people. But Adam is The One. This gruff old schoolteacher doesn't have much patience for anybody, with the exception of 1) helpless illiterates and 2) Adam Bede.

Adam is his star night-school student. He's also a friend, or as much of a friend as curmudgeonly old Bartle Massey will ever have. When Adam is anguished over Hetty and her crime, Bartle is by his side day and night. "Let me keep thee company in trouble while I can" says the schoolteacher (46.20). That, and a lot of insulting things about women. Yet the good stuff is what we'll remember.