Adam Bede Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Adam Bede? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Which character does Seth Bede want to marry?

Dinah Morris.
Hetty Sorrel.
Bessy Cranage.
Taylor Swift.
Q. What uncivilized or "criminal" act does Adam commit?

He fights Mr. Poyser.
He fights Arthur Donnithorne.
He fights Seth.
He fights Apollo Creed.
Q. How does Adam commemorate his mother?

He tearfully sings "Dust in the Wind" at her funeral.
He names his next dog after her.
He names his new house after her.
He names his daughter after her.
Q. Initially, how would you describe Arthur and Adam's relationship?

They are friends, but from different social classes.
They hate each other's guts, and are from different classes.
They hate each other's guts, and are from the same class.
They are friends from the same social class.
Q. What does Arthur Donnithorne do after Hetty's trial?

He goes completely insane.
He writes a memoir that gets picked up by Oprah's Book Club.
He goes into voluntary exile.
He burns down a large portion of his estate.