Guide Mentor

Guide Mentor

Character Role Analysis

Not-So-Parental Figures

Since the whole book takes place on the island, none of the beauty queens' parents are shown. Except in flashbacks. Those happen a lot, actually. And sadly enough, the girls' actual parents and mentors are pretty much the worst guides ever, giving them advice that is not that great.

Here's a sampler. Tiara's parents guilt her into doing pageants, without considering her wants. Nicole's mom makes her feel like she should hate her dark skin and natural hair. Shanti's coach tells her that her real personality isn't likeable, and Jennifer's coach—plus pretty much every adult she comes across—makes her feel like no one has any faith in her. As a reminder, just a sampler.

By making the parental figures so bad, Bray forces her main characters to rebel against advice and figure out who they are on their own. And that means that these teenage girls have to become their own guides. Not to mention save themselves from brutal, island-y death. That's a tall order.