Beauty Queens Resources


Miss Beauty Queens

The official site of the book's author, Libba Bray.


Living Bray

You can read the author's blog, which, like her book, is sometimes poignant and often hilarious.

Making it Official

There she is, the Miss America website…

Complete with Fun Facts!

Here's the official site for Miss Teen USA, which is probably the closest pageant to the fictional Miss Teen Dream. Check out the photos of all the contestants to get a sense of what Bray's characters might look like.

Articles and Interviews

Rave Review

The Guardian review of Beauty Queens is basically a heap of praise.

Libba's Talent

Author Libba Bray is interviewed, and in her own hilarious words, describes how she came up with and executed this zany masterpiece.

Defending the Beauty Pageant

Not only does this article list defenses of beauty pageants; it also features amazing photos from American beauty pageants throughout the years. Hard to say no to a good snap.


Teen Dreams IRL

If you're wondering what a real teen beauty pageant looks like, you can watch the full 2015 Miss Teen USA pageant—from strutting to the crown.

Like Such As And

Remember Tiara's practice interview answer in Chapter Six? See how similar it is to the way Miss South Carolina answered in 2007.


Another pageant fail. Bumbling host Steve Harvey gives the Miss Universe crown to the wrong beauty queen.

This is really a thing

Remember how Tiara said she did her first pageant when she was two weeks old? Watch this depiction of an actual baby beauty pageant from Toddlers and Tiaras. (Yes, it's a little creepy.)

John Oliver Does Pageants

Nicole was running for Miss Teen Dream so she could get a scholarship. But what does it mean that this type of organization provides scholarships? John Oliver looks into this, plus gets in a few zingers about Donald Trump along the way.


Libba Podcasts on Writing

The best way to get to know the author is by listening to this interview with her, complete with a killer introduction.

Bray Gets Name-dropped

Here's all the NPR coverage of Libba's books in one convenient thread.


Clever, or Missing the Point?

What do you think of this provocative cover of the Beauty Queens book?


These photos show how the normal-looking girls in child beauty pageants are transformed into doll-like versions of themselves. (Even creepier.)

Grainy, but Telling

Check out this old photo of the first Miss America pageant in 1921, and notice all the ways our standards of beauty have changed. Also, are they wearing dresses, or just really old-timey swimsuits?