Beauty Queens Foolishness and Folly Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph), For Prologue: (P.Paragraph), For Epilogue: (E.Paragraph), For footnotes: (Chapter.F.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"Miss Florida was the only one who had bangs and she's de—um, she's no longer participating in the pageant system. So you'd really stand out."
Miss New Mexico stared, dumbfounded. "Stand out? Stand out? I have a freaking tray stuck in my forehead!" She broke into fresh sobs.
Taylor clapped for attention. "Miss New Mexico, let's not get all down in the bummer basement where the creepy things live. There are people in heathen China who doesn't even have airline trays. We have a lot to be grateful for." (3.58-60)

How amazing is it that no one really cares that Miss New Mexico has an airline tray permanently lodged in her forehead?

Quote #2

"Or—ooh! I know: 'Safe Tween Crush'?"
"That one is so awesome!" Tiara began to sing. "Wanna rock you, girl, with a butterfly tunic. / No, I'm not gay, I'm just your emo eunuch. / Gonna smile real shy, won't cop a feel. / 'cause I'm your virgin crush, your supersafe deal." (8.52-53)

This joke is so meta. Lyrics to a boy band song about the appeal of boy bands for little girls. Ironically its attempt to avoid sexual content makes it seem almost as raunchy as some of those subtle innuendo songs (does anyone else remember "Liquid Dreams"?).

Quote #3

"I'm dockin' you another twenty-five cents for your potty mouth and bad attitude, Miss New Hampshire."
"Fine. Let me just go to the JUNGLE ATM TO GET A WITHDRAWAL!" (9.53-54)

Taylor is really big on overly PC clichés. Leave it to Adina to bring out the weirdness in Taylor's basically nonsensical ways to keep everyone on their best behavior.