Beauty Queens Cunning and Cleverness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph), For Prologue: (P.Paragraph), For Epilogue: (E.Paragraph), For footnotes: (Chapter.F.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"All right, Teen Dreamers. These are our tools. Starting today, we are adding a new survival skills portion to our pageant. I want you to treat this with the seriousness you would your other duties, like tanning and exfoliation. You need to wow the judges. Think about what you can make with what we've got." (11.6)

Do we detect a grain of empowerment in this otherwise stereotypical beauty-queen speech? The girls do know how to work hard, even if it's usually at things like tanning. Channeling that drive into survival may be a good idea.

Quote #2

"Well, I was just thinking that if we dig out the sand like a latrine and stretch the dress across it and hold it down with some rocks or something, maybe the water would catch in there?" "How's that going to help?" Miss Ohio asked. "Hold on." Shanti pulled the dress taut. She surveyed the sand around it. "That could work." (11.38-40)

Tiara almost didn't share this idea, but it's good she did. This weird dress-stretching contraption allows the beauty queens to get drinking water for the first time since they crashed. Guess Tiara is smarter than she sometimes seems.

Quote #3

"It's solar hibachi," Miss Ohio explained, serving up a perfectly done fillet. "I used a safety razor to descale the fish, rinsed it in a little of the freshwater, and now…" Using the handle of a hairbrush, she scooped up the fish and dropped it onto a mound of clean rocks. (11.55)

Repurposing beauty tools for the win! This is a truly ingenious way to grill some fish.