Beauty Queens Isolation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph), For Prologue: (P.Paragraph), For Epilogue: (E.Paragraph), For footnotes: (Chapter.F.Paragraph)

Quote #1

The jungle answered with unknown screeches and a low, murmuring hiss. No one moved. They watched what was left burn.
"We should get back and let the others know," Taylor said at last. "It's just us. We're the only survivors. We're on our own." (2.66-67)

This is the moment the beauty queens find out there's no adult to guide them. They're alone in a jungle that is full of the unknown. Spooky.

Quote #2

"Six weeks is a long time, Agent. And it's a hostile island. They'll be lucky to last two days," the Boss answered. (5.17)

The Boss (who we'll soon learn is Ladybird Hope) doesn't believe the girls can survive the island alone. She expects them to die. Typical adult arrogance.

Quote #3

"Fine. Desperate times call for desperate measures." Taylor grabbed a shell and gouged the sand, going deeper and deeper. She reached into the sand and brought up a white, cylindrical bug. It wiggled lazily in her palm. "Who wants to eat first?" (9.39)

Taylor is surprisingly practical when it comes to survival. On the mainland, none of the girls would consider eating bugs, but Taylor knows that right now, it's what they have to do.