Bert Breen's Barn Chapter 13 Summary

  • The wind from the storm picks up as Tom walks home. After the lights from the houses in town fade away, it's pretty much pitch black. This was back before the time of GPS, so Tom wonders whether it would be smarter to turn back and stay at Mr. Hook's. But the desire to get home with his presents spurs him on.
  • There's the sense that Tom is in real danger from the weather, but he knows he has to keep going. Let's hope he knows the walk by heart, or at least can rely on his other senses to make up for what he can't see.
  • He keeps going, but there are some rough patches.
  • He has to fight frustration at floundering through snow drifts.
  • The light from the Quarrys' house looks super welcoming. They might even invite him in for a cup of hot cocoa?
  • No. Power through.
  • Tom can't even move his arms to stay warm, because that would make him drop his packages. Shoot.
  • The worst part is banishing from his mind the scary stories Birdy had told him about a man freezing to death.
  • Oh, the suspense!
  • Suspense is over: he makes it home. Whew!
  • Before going inside, Tom goes to the barn to hide the presents for his family in the feed bin.
  • Inside, Tom is greeted by his mother, sisters, and Birdy, who had stayed for dinner.
  • Tom's mother lavishes him with attention trying to get him warm and dry, which makes Tom feel happy that he got her such a nice Christmas gift.