Bert Breen's Barn Chapter 56 Summary

  • At Garfield's, the order comes to several hundred dollars ("high up in the three figures"). Mr. Garfield comes out and is polite enough, but remarks to Tom that the price seems "kind of large for a man like you" (56.2).
  • Birdy sticks up for Tom, and Tom tells Mr. Garfield to call the bank to confirm Tom's ability to pay.
  • Mr. Garfield calls the bank and returns, kind of shocked, to say that Tom's credit is good and that his business is always welcome. He eagerly finishes up Tom's order and promises next-day delivery on his lumber.
  • Back at the mill, Tom hears that the Sheriff has arrested the Flanchers. This will give Tom time to finish his barn without worrying about them.
  • Tom asks Mr. Ackerman for two weeks off to finish the barn before winter. Mr. Ackerman acknowledges that that's a good idea, but he emphasizes that Tom will not be paid for the time off.
  • Okay, big whoop. Tom's rolling in it now. Does he even still need his mill job?