Bert Breen's Barn Chapter 23 Summary

  • The next day, Tom goes to Hulbert House, the nicest and biggest hotel in Booneville, to see the Sheriff and Coroner.
  • Joe Hemphill is there being interrogated, but when Sheriff Purley and Dr. Considine hear that Tom was the last one to see Mrs. Bree alive, they let Joe go.
  • Dr. Considine, the largest man Tom has ever seen, asks Tom to give his "testimony." In other words, the last time he saw Mrs. Breen.
  • After Tom gives his testimony, the men review the plans to go up to the Breen place and collect the body. Dr. Considine wants Tom to go with them since it seems he knows a lot about the Breen place.
  • Mr. Hook tells him it's okay if he takes the rest of the day off to go with them.
  • FYI, days off work are more exciting when there's not a dead body involved.