Fallen Angels Brunner Quotes

Brunner > Lobel

Quote 1

"That is a f** solution, only capable of coming from the mind of a f**," Brunner said.
"Hey Corporal," Lobel got up on one elbow. "Just because I don't have my serial number tattooed on my genitals does not mean I'm a f**." (4.58-59)

Brunner > Johnson

Quote 2

"These g***s will probably be having supper with the VIETCONG by the time we sit down to chow," Brunner said.
"How come when you say 'g***s' it sounds like 'n*****' to me?" Johnson asked. (4.117-118)

Johnson has a point. Both words are racist slurs that have origins in American imperialism. And they're both not very polite.