Fallen Angels Lieutenant Carroll Quotes

"You know"—Lieutenant Carroll had spread all the extra first aid packs on the floor in front of him— "my brother went to theology school and I almost followed him."
"You can still go," a guy called Walowick said from his bunk. "It's good for a priest to be older."
"I might have too many doubts, now," Lieutenant Carroll said.
"If you turn to God, He'll take away your doubts," Brew said.
"I don't have doubts about God," Lieutenant Carroll said. "I'm just not sure who I am anymore." (4.30-34)

Here's a snapshot of the difference in Carroll and Brew's beliefs. They both believe in God, but Carroll doubts himself. Maybe he feels like he'd be a hypocrite for leading people spiritually. Maybe he thinks there's some bad in him. Maybe he's seen too much death and suffering—and also participated in it.