Herzog Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

There was a flavor of subjugation in his love for Madeleine. Since she was domineering, and since he loved her, he had to accept the flavor that was given. (1.41)

Herzog can be passive when it comes to loving. For example, he's more than willing to take whatever love Madeleine gives him because he's not the type to step up and demand to have things his way. In tough times, he's more likely to retreat inward like a hermit crab.

Quote #2

Theirs was not a marriage that could last. Madeleine had never loved him. She was telling him that. (1.44)

When the time comes to split, Madeleine tells Herzog she never loved him. It's tough to know whether this is true, because Madeleine's Aunt Zelda denies it later on. But that's the trouble with love. It's tough to prove when it's there or not.

Quote #3

"No, she respects you. She fell out of love with you, that's all. Women fall out of love." (2.35)

Aunt Zelda is certain that Madeleine was once in love with Herzog. She just fell out of love over time. If people can fall in love, it makes sense that they can fall out of love.