Herzog Questions

Bring on the tough stuff - there’s not just one right answer.

  1. If you were Herzog's therapist, what advice would you give him? Why?
  2. What role do you think Herzog's sexual assault as a youngster plays in his adult life? Does it even have a role?
  3. What kind of father was Herzog's dad? How did he influence Herzog's personality?
  4. Do you think Ramona would make a good third wife for Herzog? Why or why not?
  5. How biased is Herzog when he talks about Madeleine and his divorce? How do we separate the facts from Herzog's perspective?
  6. Do you think Herzog flaunts his education too much? Why or why not?
  7. Why does Herzog write a bunch of letters that he has no intention of ever sending? What do we make of the fact that he writes fewer letters as the book goes on?
  8. Why did Herzog buy a crummy old house in the Berkshires? What does this house come to symbolize for Herzog over time?
  9. When does Herzog hit "rock bottom" in this book, or what is his lowest point?
  10. Why does Herzog shrink away from Ramona? Use evidence from the text to support your answer.