Herzog Steaminess Rating

Exactly how steamy is this story?


Moses E. Herzog leads a pretty sexed-up life and Saul Bellow isn't afraid to present this life in all its adult details. Herz walks around the streets of Manhattan leering at anything in a skirt. He has more than a few rolls in the hay with Ramona. He reminiscences about his past love affairs.

Sex is more than just pleasurable funtimes for Herzog, though. It's pretty much the only thing that keeps him out of the doldrums—if he ain't ogling a girl with his tongue lolling out or doing the deed, he's wondering What It All Means.

So naturally Herzog is more full of steam than Oaken Sauna. When XXX daydreams (and night realities) are all that stands between your protagonist and his deep, dark fears, you know that you're going to have a novel that's half philosophical black hole, half smutfest.