
Character Analysis

Funny name, huh? He's "a great tall beanpole, looked as if a giant had pressed his face flat with his thumb" (17.3). As one of Capricorn's men, he gets the chance to be cruel pretty often, which he seems to enjoy, as in this case: "Flatnose thought it greatly amusing to let Dustfinger get just close enough to the gasoline-soaked books to touch the top volumes with his fingers" (17.62). Because taunting someone by keeping them just out of reach of whatever they want is hilarious.

In short, Flatnose is not a nice dude. Plus he mocks Basta when Dustfinger locks him into a cell in the crypt (49.87), so he doesn't seem to be particularly loyal either. When Capricorn dies, Flatnose disappears. All we have to say is good riddance.