

Character Role Analysis


Clue number one that Meggie is the protagonist: we see most of the story from her perspective. Clue number two: we're rooting for her and hoping that she'll be reunited with her dad and find a way to foil Capricorn's plans. Clue number three: what, the first two weren't enough for you?

Seriously though, we empathize with Meggie a ton, and that's a big part of why she's the protagonist. Like when Capricorn's men kidnap Mo, and Meggie freaks out and runs after their car, shouting her dad's name:

She thought she saw car headlights come on where the drive disappeared into the trees, and an engine started. Meggie ran that way. She tripped and fell, grazing her knee on the gravel, which was wet with dew. She ran on and on, limping and sobbing, until she had reached the big wrought iron gate. The road beyond it was empty. Mo was gone. (6.78)

Don't you just feel for Meggie when you read that passage? We sure do, and this sets us up to be on her side when she heads off on her quest to find her dad and unravel the mystery behind Inkheart and its impact on her family.