Like Water for Chocolate Theme of Tradition/Society

Rules, rules, and more rules. It seems to us that living on a ranch in Mexico during the Revolution as a woman is no walk in thepark. Everything these people do and say is scrutinized and controlled—from the dances they dance to the people they love. It makes us feel pretty darn lucky to have freedom of choice, but also pretty inspired with how some of the characters manage to break free…

Questions About Tradition/Society

  1. Why do you think Mama Elena is harder on Tita than her other daughters?
  2. Do you think Tita was right in staying so long at the ranch? Should she have left earlier?
  3. Why do you think the rule of the youngest child was first started?
  4. How important is marriage and family in Like Water for Chocolate?

Chew on This

Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.

The tradition of the youngest daughter taking care of the mother is a form of enslavement.

The only character to break free of societal norms is Gertrudis.