Like Water for Chocolate Violence/Abuse (Physical and Mental) Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Tita got a terrible spanking for that, and she was forbidden to play with her sisters in her own world. (1, 9)

This is the first instance of corporal punishment in the novel. Unfortunately, most of the beatings are taken by Tita...

Quote #2

"I won't stand for disobedience, nor am I going to allow you to ruin [Rosaura's] wedding with your acting like a victim." (1, 81)

Mama E is giving Tita a not-so-loving talk after catching her being chummy with Pedro. A case of damned if she does and damned if she doesn't.

Quote #3

"I have a very good aim and a very bad temper, Captain." (5, 308)

Let's face it; Mama Elena is kind of a badass here. Not only does she protect her ranch from a gang of rebel soldiers, she threatens them.