My Name is Asher Lev Chapter 3 Summary

  • This chapter opens with Stalin dying, which is a huge relief to Jewish people around the world—especially the people in Asher's congregation.
  • But relief immediately turns to panic for young Asher, because Stalin's death means that Europe is automatically safer for Jews, which means that the Rabbi wants Aryeh and his family to move to Vienna, Austria so Aryeh can build Hasidic yeshivas all over Europe.
  • Asher really doesn't want to go to Vienna. Like imagine how much you probably want to write a twenty page essay on literary theory right now and multiply that times a thousand and you'll have how much Asher doesn't want to go to Vienna.
  • He spends a lot of this chapter asking his parents why he has to go, and if it's really necessary that he does go, and whether they'd be chill with him just statying in Crown Heights while they go. And of course they're like: Nope.
  • The final event of note that happens in this chapter is Asher draws a picture of Stalin dead in his coffin. This is important both because it's creepy and because it's the first picture Asher has drawn in a long time.