My Name is Asher Lev Chapter 9 Summary

  • Asher paints a really impressive portrait of the annoying, Chumash-obsessed kid from yeshiva. Jacob Kahn thinks it's so good that it's time Asher start drawing nudes.
  • Portraits of nudes are strictly forbidden by the Hasidic tradition, so Asher is quaking in his boots when Jacob Kahn introduces him to the female model he'll be drawing. But eventually he overcomes his fears and draws her beautifully.
  • Aryeh comes back from Vienna looking incredibly sick. He misses his family—Rivkeh especially. He has grown distant from Asher and his painting; he's not so much mad about it anymore as he just doesn't understand it.
  • Later on, Rivkeh asks Asher if he would mind staying with his Uncle Yitzchok so she could move to Vienna with his father. Asher is petrified, but she tells him he's grown up enough to do this and pretty much doesn't have any other option.
  • Asher's life begins to spin out of control: he can't paint, he keeps on falling asleep in school, and his classmates tease him by planting limericks in his Torah about how he won't be going to heaven.
  • He begs his mom not to go to Vienna, but she does, anyway. The Rabbi calls him into his office again and tells him to just try and be cool for once. But Asher can't be cool.
  • Heavy-hearted, he moves into his Uncle Yitzchok's house while his mother leaves for Vienna.