My Name is Asher Lev Theme of Education

Learning: it's not always an easy matter. Asher's education is important in this book because he comes from a pretty bookish family, and they come from a line of famous Jewish European scholars. Asher, however, ends up getting his education in painting. Controversy abounds. Just wait 'til you see the headlines.

Questions About Education

  1. How do Rivkeh and Aryeh keep the scholarly traditions they grew up with alive in their home?
  2. When does Asher "comply" with his education and when does he rebel against it?
  3. How does the education at yeshiva differ from the education Asher gets with Jacob Kahn? (And no, answering "different subject matter" doesn't count.)
  4. In what setting do you think you learn the most? School? Home? How do the things you learn in different settings differ from one another?

Chew on This

Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.

In My Name Is Asher Lev, the title character learns more outside his yeshiva than he does inside.

Asher's mentor, Jacob Kahn, proves to be such a capable teacher that he is eventually succeeded in ability by his student.