Red Harvest Chapter 10 Summary

Crime Wanted – Male or Female

  • The Op gets into the car with Dinah, who's talking to Max Thaler.
  • Dinah is pleased as punch because she just won a lot of money betting on Bush.
  • But Max is fuming because he lost a huge chunk of dough on Cooper.
  • Dinah and the Op meet up with Dan Rolff to eat some chow mein. Dinah asks if the Op is really intending to clean up Personville and hints that if the price is right, she might be willing to give him some inside information.
  • Dan criticizes her for being a rat, and Dinah gets sore. She slaps Dan around several times violently, right in front of the Op. (Some friendly advice from us at Shmoop: you better stay on Dinah's good side.)
  • Dan's reaction? He takes out his pistol and fires at the Op. (Um, clearly you don't want to get on Dan's bad side, either.)
  • Dan's shot misses the Op, and the two have a good old-fashioned scuffle, with the Op landing the final punch.
  • The Op decides that it's time to stir things up some more. He jokes that maybe he'll run an advertisement "Crime Wanted—Male or Female," to see what crooks show up.