The Rules of Survival Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around The Rules of Survival? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. How does Nikki punish Matthew when he takes an Oreo without asking her first?

She cuts him with a knife.
She sends him to bed without supper.
She makes him finish his veggies.
She grounds him for a whole week.
Q. Why does Nikki get her new man friend to beat her up?

Because she thinks that violence is sexy
So that she can claim Murdoch's attacked her
So that her kids will feel sorry for her
So that she can miss a few days of work
Q. What is wrong with Emmy when Matthew finds her in the trailer at the port?

She's been beaten by Nikki.
She's peed all over herself.
She has the flu.
She's drunk.
Q. What does Nikki do to get the custody of her children revoked?

She causes a car accident and paralyzes Julie.
She shows up at the court hearing drunk as a skunk.
She arranges a mob of men to beat up Murdoch.
She curses in front of the judge.
Q. How does Nikki react when Matthew moves in with Aunt Bobbie?

She sends a nice housewarming gift.
She makes the house unlivable by being loud and destructive.
She leaves a pile of poop in a bag on the doorstep.
She calls Aunt Bobbie an evil hag.