Sunset Limited Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Sunset Limited? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Who doesn't White visit on her or his deathbed?

his mother
his brother
his father
his tax attorney
Q. Where are Black's children?

at school
living with their mother
Q. What does White says about his fellow professors?

he doesn't really know them that well
he loathes them and they loathe him
some of them are okay
they're snazzy dressers
Q. Who does White use as an example of someone he wouldn't want to meet again in the afterlife?

his father
his mother
Paulie Shore
his brother
Q. Where does Black learn to cook the food he prepares for them?

in New York City
back home in Louisiana
at a Metallica concert
at culinary school