The Assistant Chapter 8, Section 8 Summary

  • Morris craves sweet cream. He finds some and treats himself to it.
  • A sound startles him.
  • At the counter is a skinny man in a dark overcoat.
  • The stranger asks if Morris has fire insurance.
  • He's an arsonist who will start a fire, for a price, so Morris can collect insurance money.
  • Wow. Someone even creepier than Ward!
  • Morris declines, not liking the monkey business or the high fee.
  • The man argues another half hour, then departs.
  • Morris notices Nick and Tessie leave, then Helen and Ida go out as well. He's alone.
  • Morris locates some celluloid and ignites it himself, planning to start a fire.
  • His apron catches on fire.
  • Then his sleeves blaze as well.
  • Morris is saved by Frank Alpine, who's there to beg for his job back. What curious timing.
  • Morris orders him out of the house.