The Assistant Quotes

Find the perfect quote to float your boat. Shmoop breaks down key quotations from The Assistant.

Guilt and Blame Quotes

"What I mean to say is that when I need it most, something is missing in me, in me or on account of me." (2.2.58)

Disappointment Quotes

The grocer sighed and waited. Waiting he did poorly. When times were bad time was bad. It died as he waited, stinking in his nose. (1.1.14)

Fate and Free Will Quotes

What am I saving myself for? she asked herself. What unhappy Bober fate? (2.3.96)

Dreams, Hopes, and Plans Quotes

She had wanted, admittedly, satisfaction, but more than that—respect for the giver of what she had to give, had hoped desire would become more than just that. She wanted, simply, a future in love...

Religion Quotes

Breitbart nodded absently, then picked up the Jewish paper and read. (1.2.6)

Prejudice Quotes

Morris paid cash for the liverwurst; from a German he wanted no favors. (1.1.19)

Competition Quotes

In the past when bad times came he had somehow lived through them, and when good times returned, they more or less returned to him. But now, since the appearance of H. Schmitz across the street ten...

Lies and Deceit Quotes

He labored long hours , was the soul of honesty—he could not escape his honesty, it was bedrock; to cheat would cause an explosion in him, yet he trusted cheaters—coveted nobody's nothing and a...

Compassion and Forgiveness Quotes

December yielded nothing to spring. She awoke to each frozen, lonely day with dulled feeling. Then one Sunday afternoon winter leaned backward for an hour and she want walking. Suddenly she forgave...

Family Quotes

But he waited for the Russians to call him up, because if you left the district before they had conscripted you, then your father was arrested, fined, and imprisoned. If the son got away after indu...