The Assistant Lies and Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes: The book doesn't have numbered or titled chapters, but it is broken up into sections with sub-sections under these. We'll call this Chapter:Section:Paragraph.

Quote #1

He labored long hours , was the soul of honesty—he could not escape his honesty, it was bedrock; to cheat would cause an explosion in him, yet he trusted cheaters—coveted nobody's nothing and always got poorer. (1.3.25)

Would Morris be less trusting of people if he were less honest himself?

Quote #2

"If I had a telephone, every drunken bum would call me to make deliveries, and when you get there they don't have a cent." (1.5.16)

Karp worries that installing a phone in the store—yes, you read that right—would attract dishonest customers and hurt business. What would he have to say about a Facebook page for his business?

Quote #3

He was worried but didn't tell Ida the truth when she asked him if anything else was missing. He often hid unpleasant news from her because she made it worse. (2.4.11)

Would you call Morris' withholding truth from his wife a form of dishonesty? If so, does this behavior clash with the description of him as the soul of honesty?