The Future of Us Chapter 32 Summary


  • Emma and Josh are driving to school together and they're both distracted. Josh is thinking about Sydney, while Emma's trying to imagine what Kevin Storm does for a living.
  • Then she thinks about Kellan and gets really nervous. How can she step in and stop Kellan from getting pregnant?
  • Emma runs into Graham at band practice. He starts flirting and asking her about her weekend plans, and this is when she realizes that the time has come.
  • Luckily, Graham takes the breakup news really well. He gives her a sad hug and Emma realizes that just like all her other breakups, this isn't dramatic.
  • After band she rushes to find Josh; he can help her decide what to do about Kellan. But she can't get his attention in the hallway because he's talking to a girl.
  • And Cody Grainger is walking toward her. Swoon.