The Future of Us Society and Class Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Chapter, Paragraph

Quote #1

For the past two months I've been going out with Graham Wilde. We're in band together. He plays drums and I play saxophone. He's sexy, with shoulder-length blond hair, but his clinginess at prom was annoying. I'll definitely end it with him soon. Or maybe I'll just let things dissolve over the summer. (1.41)

Emma is settling for someone who's in her own social class at school. She's not crazy about Graham, but they're both in band and he's got that "sexy" musician thing going for him.

Quote #2

Sydney Mills and I are in completely different orbits. She's a Mercury, with the full hotness of the sun beating down on her. I'm a Pluto. Sure, my friends appreciate me, but I'm barely holding on to the far reaches of the galaxy. (10.4)

Society and class case-in-point: Josh isn't an outcast, but Sydney is queen of Lake Forest, hanging out with the inner circle, the most popular of the popular. Josh cannot imagine that this changes enough for them to get married in the future. But you know what? The social boundaries of high school mean nothing in the long run.

Quote #3

A few more pushups and sit-ups every night and maybe I can become that guy even faster. I turn sideways and flex into the mirror, but from this angle there's no denying I'm still a skinny kid with two years of high school left to go. (16.8)

In order to win the heart of Sydney Mills, Josh thinks that he's going to need to morph into someone that looks like he belongs with Sydney Mills. Josh looks at his reflection and sees what everyone else sees: a skinny high school kid. This isn't Josh on the inside, but he's seeing himself the way that strangers see him.