The Future of Us Time Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Chapter, Paragraph

Quote #1

Then, just under the blue banner, something makes me shiver. Next to a small picture of a woman sitting on a beach, it says "Emma Nelson Jones." The woman is in her thirties with curly brown hair and brown eyes. My stomach tingles because this woman looks familiar.

Too familiar. (1.51-52)

Let the time travel begin. In this moment, Emma discovers her future self, though she doesn't know that it's her yet. She has a weird feeling that makes her shiver, though, and the woman looks way too much like her to be a coincidence.

Quote #2

"Things change so fast when you're a teenager," Dad says, spooning salsa onto his eggs. "You and Emma used to be so close. Last summer Mom and I started to worry that you needed to hang around with other people, too." (4.9)

Josh's dad comments on how quickly things can change in life—especially at Josh's age. When you're a kid, time moves pretty slowly, but Josh is at a point now when things are really going to start moving faster as he gets closer to being an adult. His parents are worried that he's going to get stuck in the routine of doing the same old thing (and hanging out with the same old people) instead of expanding his horizons.

Quote #3

When I was younger, I used to write notes with markers and hold them to this window for Emma to read with her pink binoculars. I still keep that can of markers on my desk, but I'm sure she's sold her binoculars at one of the yard sales the Nelsons are always having. (6.2)

Josh is sad when he thinks about how he and Emma used to be so close. When you spend so many years with somebody, it's hard when things change—time can add to the importance of relationships as we have them for longer and longer. But a lot can also change in very little time. Time can be tricky, man.