The Maltese Falcon Theme of Lies and Deceit

A detective's job is sniffing out lies. Anyone could be lying to him at any time—his partner, the person he's investigating, or even his client. Sam Spade of The Maltese Falcon has a pretty good sniffer, but it isn't without a blind spot or two.

Wait—what's a blind spot when it comes to your nose? It's called a "congestion zone." Would we lie to you?

Questions about Lies and Deceit

  1. What are Brigid's "tells"? How can you tell when she is lying? Does Brigid ever tell the truth?
  2. When does Spade seem to be okay with Bridget's lying? When does her behavior bother or offend him?
  3. Brigid appears to be the most dishonest character in the movie. Who would you say is the most honest? Who tells the fewest lies?
  4. Iva, Miles's wife, lied about where she was the night he was murdered. Why did she lie? Where was she?

Chew on This

Take a peek at these thesis statements. Agree or disagree?

Spade is just as deceitful as Brigid it, playing all sides—her, Gutman, and the cops. But he has a self-justification for why he does it.

The Maltese Falcon is deceitful. Even the real one is a lie because it's a gold statue bedazzled with gemstones and coated with black enamel to disguise its true nature.