The Maltese Falcon Scene 6 Summary

  • Spade leaves the office, and is tailed by a man in a trench coat.
  • He isn't good at following, bumping into almost every person on the street along the way.
  • Spade gets a cab, and the man following gets into a cab too. Do you think he said, "Follow that cab"?
  • The cab takes Spade to a building, and Spade goes in, then out the back door, losing the man tailing him.
  • Spade then goes to Brigid's apartment.
  • He tells her that he doesn't believe her innocent schoolgirl act.
  • And he says he met Joel Cairo earlier that night. The name seems familiar to Brigid.
  • She wants to know what Cairo said about her, and Spade says her name didn't come up.
  • Spade says Cairo offered him $5,000 to find a bird.
  • Brigid says she can't meet that offer to buy his trust. "What else is there I can buy you with?" she asks, and he grabs her face and kisses her and does this weird massaging-her-cheek-with-his-thumbs maneuver.
  • That seems to do it.
  • Brigid says she needs to meet with Cairo, and Spade arranges a meeting at his place.