The Story of My Experiments with Truth Resources


Comprehensive Website

This info-packed website is maintained by Bombay Sarvodaya Mandal and the Gandhi Research Foundation.

Gandhi Heritage Portal

Check out this website for an excellent repository of Gandhi data.

Gandhi Research Foundation

Still don't have enough Gandhi in your life? See this website, the official home of the Gandhi Research Foundation, for even more.

Movie or TV Productions

Gandhi: The Movie

Here's a film biography of Gandhi's life that won a whopping eight Oscars.

Gandhi, My Father

What's it like when your father is a worldwide hero? This movie is an account of the troubled relationship between Gandhi and his eldest son.

The Making of the Mahatma

This is a film about the early life of Gandhi in South Africa.

Articles and Interviews

George Orwell's short essay on Gandhi

What did the author of 1984 and Animal Farm make of Gandhi? Find out here.

Gandhi's New York Times obituary

Obituaries are articles marking the death of someone, and those in The New York Times are recognized as very important pieces.

How did Gandhi influence Martin Luther King, Jr.?

This article by an Indian ambassador explores Gandhi's influence on the famous U.S. civil rights leader.


Rare interview with Gandhi

This brief video of a few minutes is one of the few video interviews of Gandhi available.

Collection of Gandhi-related videos

Here we have a webpage full of Gandhi videos for you to check out, including one where Martin Luther King, Jr. explains Gandhi's influence on him.


Gandhi Audio

Get your Gandhi on, audio-wise, at this webpage, which has links to lots of Gandhi audio clips, including The Story of My Experiments with Truth as a free audiobook.


Gandhi Gallery

The man himself.

Gandhi Slideshow

Here are some less-common Gandhi pics.