Turtle in Paradise Characters

Meet the Cast

Turtle Curry

Our eleven-year-old heroine has a unique name and perspective to boot. She's sick of people believing in happy endings and the lies that Hollywood sells—her mom might buy that stuff, but Turtle k...

The Diaper Gang: Beans, Buddy, Pork Chop, Kermit, Jelly, Ira

Turtle's cousins have a little club known as the Diaper Gang and, of course, there are no girls allowed (duh). Also on their list of rules? "Keep your rag clean. Always duck. And never tell anyone...

Aunt Minerva "Minnie" Curry

When Turtle is sent off to Key West to live with her aunt, we assume that (1) her aunt knows about it, and (2) she wants her there. As it turns out, though, neither are really the case. It's not th...

Sadiebelle Curry (a.k.a. Mama)

We don't get to see Turtle's mom much, except through a couple memories her daughter has and at the very end. We still get a pretty good idea about who she is, though. Turtle explains to us:Mama's...

Slow Poke

Before going to Key West, all Turtle knew about her dad was that he was a sailor and that he didn't marry her mom when she got pregnant. She imagines all kinds of things about her dad, but none of...

Archie Meeks

A slimy salesman with a penchant for conning people, Archie pulls one over on skeptical Turtle. He plays with her mom's heart for a long time, only to eventually take their money and split—before...

Nana Philly

Everyone's least favorite old lady, Nana Philly sure knows how to make enemies. Not only do all the kids despise her, she's got a knack for complaining and upsetting people. The Diaper Gang even jo...