Turtle in Paradise Questions

Bring on the tough stuff - there’s not just one right answer.

  1. Is Turtle like a, well, turtle? She claims to be hard on the outside, but Uncle Vernon points out turtles are soft underneath. Do you think she's soft underneath her tough exterior? 
  2. Why is Turtle always comparing her life to a movie? She thinks life is more like a cartoon, but her mom pictures life as a Hollywood blockbuster. Who do you agree with more? 
  3. Where is Turtle most at home? What do all of her homes (with families her mom works for, with Aunt Minnie, and at the hotel) have in common? What's different about each of them? 
  4. Does Turtle change from beginning to end, or does she stay the same? Do you think she learns anything about life, her family, or herself? 
  5. What's the deal with the Key West people calling themselves "conches"? What do you think that means? Why do they refer to themselves as that? 
  6. How much does the Great Depression affect Turtle's life? Compared to other people in the country, do you think she has it better or worse as a housekeeper's daughter? 
  7. How are Turtle and her mom different when it comes to their outlooks on life? Why do you think they have such opposing viewpoints? Who do you agree with more? 
  8. Is the title, Turtle in Paradise, ironic or realistic? What's like a paradise about Turtle's life?