Code Talker Chapter 7 Summary

Sweat Lodge: Early 1930s

  • Chester is bathing in an arroyo (a gully with running water) on Grandmother's land. He's still on holiday from school.
  • It's September, and Chester is glad to be taking a bath in the cool water. As he's enjoying the water he thinks about the sweat bath cleansing he's going to take part in later with Grandfather, Uncle, Father, and Coolidge.
  • Later that day, Chester and the other men in the family (yup, only men are allowed in the sweat bath) walk over to the sweat bath hut. The boys pile hot rocks inside the lodge.
  • Once inside, the older men sing traditional Navajo songs and Chester and his brother join in. It's gettin' hot in here.
  • After an hour, they all leave and say an exit prayer. Chester feels good.
  • He's not only physically cleansed, but also spiritually cleansed after the prayers and song. Ahhh….