Code Talker Theme of Family

Chester wouldn't be Chester without his family. His values, his principles, his beliefs, are all drawn from his grandmother, his father, and his aunts and uncles. Not only does Chester's family give him a sense of identity, it also supports him through the tough times (and there are about a zillion tough times described in Code Talker).

In this way, the book shows us family both as a source of identity and a source of support. Family is at the root of who we are. Chester wouldn't be the awesome dude he is without his family.

Questions About Family

  1. In what ways does Chester's family support him both before and after the war?
  2. How is Chester's identity rooted in his family?
  3. How does Chester's family life prepare him for his work as a Marine code talker?
  4. In what ways does Chester carve out an identity for himself that is separate from his family, and why?

Chew on This

Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.

Chester's family life is a source of joy. Discuss.

Chester's family life is a source of sadness. Discuss.