Code Talker Patriotism Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

I reminded myself that my Navajo people had always been warriors, protectors. In that, there was honor. I would concentrate on being a warrior and protecting my homeland. (1.4)

This quotation shows us how Chester manages to reconcile his Navajo values with the values of America at large. As a Navajo, being a warrior and a protector means stepping up and defending his country.

Quote #2

"Always remember, you are defending both your country and your families. The Japanese attacked your land, your home, and now you will make your country proud." (1.30)

These are the words spoken by a senior officer before Chester's (and the other Marines') first landing on the island of Guadalcanal. It emphasizes what a great responsibility Chester and the Marines face.

Quote #3

We, like other Native Americans, had been born to the warrior tradition. Like other Navajos, we saw ourselves as inseparable from the earth we lived upon. And as protectors of what is sacred, we were both eager to protect our land. (9.27)

Chester tells us here what motivated him and his friend Roy Begay to join up with the Marines. Again, we see him making a link between the values of his Navajo culture and his duty to defend his country.