Code Talker Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

I sat by a snapping winter fire, surrounded by family […] I turned forward again, my eyes focused on Father. My eyelids wanted to close after a long day of work, but excitement kept them open. It was story time. (3.1)

In Code Talker, family is very closely associated with storytelling. This quote shows us just what a big part storytelling is in Chester's family. It's one important way that the family comes together.

Quote #2

That day we would follow the three hundred sheep to a new grazing area, where we'd stay for a few days before moving on. (2.25)

Chester's teamwork skills are honed through his work with his family herding sheep. These skills will come in handy when he joins the Marines later, since he'll have to work with other code talkers and Marines to win the war against the Japanese.

Quote #3

The entire family had worked hard to build up our herd, and we were happy and grateful for our healthy animals. In Navajo country, sheep were a measure of wealth […] With the herd reduced by seven hundred head, all those years of labor came to nothing. (8.15)

The Great Livestock Massacre is a huge blow to Chester's family. Will they stick together? Of course they do: they're there for each other through thick and thin.