Midwinterblood Quotes

Find the perfect quote to float your boat. Shmoop breaks down key quotations from Midwinterblood.

Immortality Quotes

All he's heard are the rumors, stories, the speculation, and the swiftly lost words of whispered secrets, about the island where people have started to live forever. (1.1.42)

Quest Quotes

He's thinking about Merle. How something seems to wait in her eyes. How he felt calm, just standing next to her. "Well, so it is," he says, smiling with wonder. He's tired. His journey has been a l...

Language and Communication Quotes

He's thinking about Merle. How something seems to wait in her eyes. How he felt calm, just standing next to her. "Well, so it is," he says, smiling with wonder. (1.1.6-7)

Love Quotes

Eric Seven does not believe in love at first sight. He corrects himself. Even in that moment, the moment that it happens, he feels his journalist's brain make a correction, rubbing out a long-held...

Memory and the Past Quotes

It's not even as if she is beautiful, not in the way people usually mean. She's more than pretty, that's what he can say, but it's not that that has caught him. It is simply her face, her eyes. The...

Sacrifice Quotes

"We will do everything as we always do." That's Tor. The man he thinks is Henrik speaks next. "But will it do any good? We have tried for so long!" "We will do everything as we always do," Tor repe...

The Supernatural Quotes

He took his seat by the window and did what everyone does before the instruction to switch off communications; he selected OneDegree on his device, and bumped. And then… nothing. He rebooted the...

Visions of Blessed Island Quotes

He is overwhelmed by the beauty of the island. His bedroom window looks to the south and to the east. Below him is another small slice of heaven. Pretty colored houses, little lanes, tall birches s...