My Name is Asher Lev Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around My Name is Asher Lev? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What did Asher's mythic ancestor do for a living?

He worked in a grocery selling kosher goods
He was a circus performer
He helped a wealthy Russian landowner make a lot of money off his estate
He assassinated Stalin
Q. What type of paintings does Asher become really interested in?

Ones that show the crucifixion of Jesus
Ones that are serious still lifes of fruit and poached fowl
Ones that are cubist
Ones with bunnies in them
Q. When does Asher start drawing again after he stops when he's in elementary school?

On the day World War II ends
On the day his Uncle Yaakov is killed
On the first day of Passover
On the day Stalin dies
Q. Where did Yudel Krinsky come from?

A retirement community in Florida
A different Hasidic community in upstate New York
A prison in Siberia
Q. Where does Asher typically see his mythic ancestor?

At Yudel Krinsky's stationery store
Riding in a taxi
In his dreams
Out dancing