Please Ignore Vera Dietz Part 2, Chapter 13 Summary

History—Age Fourteen

  • After Vera thinks back to what Charlie told her, she realizes that she always thought he was sloppy because she could see his butt crack, but really it's because he's never wearing underpants.
  • At lunch, she asks him more about it and he says that he's been doing it since he was eleven. He doesn't really know what the guy does with his underwear and socks—he just sells them somewhere.
  • She tells him to be careful, but he says that he trusts the guy, whose name is John.
  • The diner where Vera works closes down, so her dad agrees that she can go back to volunteering at the pet shop.
  • When she's there, she tells the owner, Mr. Zimmerman, that she's dreamed of working in his shop since she was five. He tells her to apply when she's seventeen.
  • Vera starts having her own interests, especially with the animals, because she loves how they care about you unconditionally. And Charlie starts growing up too—Vera notices that he stashes some porno mags in the tree house now.
  • But despite all of this, Vera is more attracted to Charlie than ever, and a part of her wants to run off with him.