Please Ignore Vera Dietz Part 3, Chapter 10 Summary

A Brief Word From the Dead Kid

  • Charlie meets Jenny Flick in detention in his junior year. He's keeping to himself and just watching the shenanigans around him, but Jenny approaches him and asks him for a light afterward.
  • Jenny invites him to come over because her mom works nights and her stepdad doesn't get home until 8:00PM—and when he says no, she says that she can give him a blow job. Well, that escalated quickly.
  • Charlie understands Jenny, though, in a way. He knows that she's offering to give him a blow job because she likes him, and because she feels like she doesn't have a lot to offer.
  • Even so, he turns her down. She gets kind of mad and tells him to watch his back.
  • After that, though, Jenny starts showing up everywhere Charlie goes and being super nice to him. He begins to fall for her because she's pretty and really into him, even though he knows now that it is a bad idea.