The Book of the City of Ladies Book 2, Chapters 66-70 Summary

  • Christine asks Lady Rectitude whether it's true that women are naturally greedy. Guess what Lady Rectitude's answer is? You got it. Of course women aren't greedy. And how do we know this? Because history gives us all kinds of examples of women's generosity.
  • Now that that's all settled, Lady Rectitude feels as though she's spoken long enough. By this point, she and Christine have found more than enough great women to invite into the newly constructed City of Ladies.
  • But let's not forget that there's a third magical woman who hasn't spoken yet: Lady Justice.
  • Christine de Pizan finishes Book II of The City of Ladies by speaking directly to her readers and saying that the City of Ladies is something she has built with the help of God. She also asks all of history's noble ladies to pray for her.