The Book of the City of Ladies Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Book.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

[No] connection in the world is as great or as strong as the great love which, through the will of God, Nature places between a man and a woman. (1.8.4)

For Christine de Pizan, men and women were put on this Earth to love one another, not to criticize. For Christine, this is a simple fact of nature. Why in the world would God make men and women and then want them to hate one another?

Quote #2

This maiden despised all physical love and refused to marry for a long time. (1.20.1)

Throughout City of Ladies, Christine de Pizan includes stories of women who completely forgot about physical love because they wanted to develop their minds and their eternal souls. But the one she's talking about here finally did marry, but only at an older-than-average age.

Quote #3

[It] is believed that [Erythrea] was much beloved of God and that, after the Holy Christian women of Paradise, she ought to be honored more than any other woman. (2.2.3)

Many men (at least in Christine's time) would say that God doesn't love women as much as he loves men. But Christine de Pizan is certain that this is not true, so she cites the case of Erythrea to show a woman who was rumored to be one of God's favorite people.