The Book of the City of Ladies Power Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Book.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

[Synoppe] soundly revenged her mother by having all the inhabitants of the country where her mother was killed put to the sword, and she devastated the entire land, and along with this country, she conquered many others. (1.17.1)

Christine de Pizan has a lot of admiration for the woman-only (and totally fictitious, just so we're clear) culture of the Amazons. These warrior women didn't take any lip from anyone and weren't afraid to stab their problems away when they had to.

Quote #2

And then she had his head severed and thrown into a bucket in which she had had collected the blood of his barons. (1.17.2)

Whoa, that's some Game of Thrones-style insano-gore. Like the Amazons, the woman from this anecdote is perfectly capable of being brutal when someone messes with her. Here, Christine de Pizan reminds us that it's not just men who can be powerful and brutal.

Quote #3

[There] was nothing which [Circe] might want to do that she could not accomplish by virtue of the strength of her spells. (1.32.2)

According to legend, there are many women who've been able to use magic and spells in order to accomplish whatever they want. It's unclear, though, whether de Pizan believed literally in these stories or if she knew they were fiction.