The Seagull Art and Culture Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Line)

Quote #1

Medvedenko: Konstantin wrote a play, and that Zarechny girl is starring in it. They're in love. Tonight their souls will be united in a unique artistic endeavor. (1.7)

The non-artist characters idealize the arts as some higher calling. The artist characters realize the blood, sweat, and soul-shattering disappointments that are the reality of creative practice.

Quote #2

Konstantin: Now, this is what I call a theater! A curtain, two wings, right and left, and then nothing. No set. Empty space! The curtain opens, all you see is the lake and the far horizon. And the curtain will open at exactly eight-thirty, just as the moon rises. (1.20)

A traditional set in Chekhov's time would be, as Konstantin describes it, "a room with three walls" (1.28). Konstantin's preference for the open air—and the real effect of a rising moon—indicates his progressive tastes, especially in comparison with his mom's.

Quote #3

Sorin: One time I was singing just like this, and one of the people in my office said: "You know, sir, you have a really loud voice." Then he thought for a minute and said: "loud… and ugly." (1.41)

A light, comic reference to the serious matter of Sorin's regret. He would like to have been a writer, artist, talented at something. He feels he's wasted his life.