The Seagull Wealth Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Line)

Quote #1

Medvedenko: I'm the wage earner, and all I get is those twenty-three rubles. How am I supposed to buy a drink? Or sugar for tea? Or cigarettes, even? I can't do it. (1.5)

Okay, maybe drinks, sugar, and cigarettes aren't a recipe for happiness, but Medvedenko has a point. Being financially comfortable can afford access to luxuries that might make life a little easier.

Quote #2

Konstantin: And she's stingy. I happen to know for a fact she has seventy thousand in the bank in Odessa, but go ask her for a loan and she has hysterics. (1.26)

Konstantin complains about one of Arkadina's character flaws. Her stinginess provides for a number of comic moments in the play, but it's also a painful reality for her penniless, dependent son.

Quote #3

Konstantin: I left the university after my third year, I'm not talented, I haven't got cent to my name, my birth certificate says I'm from Kiev and was "born into the middle class." (1.30)

Konstantin's poverty and meager social status cripple him with both Nina and Arkadina.